We have improved our website!

We have added new functionalities to our website! We have made it easier to add articles to your shopping basket, and – upon your request - we keep you informed on articles that are temporarily out of stock.

This news item sets out the improvements in 2 steps. Would you like to see how it works? We’ve made a video to demonstrate it. You can watch it here!

Please note: this feature only works when you’re logged in.

Did you know that you can now order items and add them to your basket directly from the search function? That saves you one click!

Tips to further optimize searching our website:

  • search by article number and add the item directly to your cart using the + button
  • search by multiple keywords, for example product name + shade number: i.e. ‘Whirl 560’
  • typing in the barcode will immediately lead you to the product
  • filter the search results by selecting a (sub)category or colour in the left-hand column

Please note: this feature only works when you’re logged in.

Would you like to order an item from our webshop that is temporarily sold out? As of today, you can be kept informed on when items are back in stock.

Just click on the envelope next to the article that is out of stock to be notified by email when the item is back in stock.

An up-to-date overview of our delivery times can be found on our back in stock page
We have improved our website!
5 years ago
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